
Moving towards net zero

Our ambition to help move our company, our customers and our industry to net zero carbon emissions.

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Its time to shift

How we think. How we design. How we build and how we impact our planet. It’s why we’re shifting to net zero. Inspired by all that can be accomplished with zero, we’re already taking more sustainable steps forward. Leading the way for our industry – and seizing opportunities to help you shift with us.

Shift-Zero | What we're doing

What we're doing

We’ve been applying sustainable design principles to our building and development projects for over a decade. Now, we created a plan to reach net zero emissions. A plan based on accurate, up-to-date scientific data – for an approach that’s real, measured and industry-leading. By investing time, money, focus and thought leadership into reaching net zero, we can be confident we’re finding a place for the future, for our customers and for generations to come.

Why we're doing it

It’s simple – we’re all emitting carbon. Those emissions are heating the world. And we need to reduce those emissions so the planet can heal. With 39% of the world’s carbon emissions coming from the building and construction industry, we have a responsibility to act in a more positive, progressive way. Changing the way we do business and supporting our customers and partners on their own journey to zero.

Shift-Zero | Why we're doing it
Shift-Zero | How we all benefit

How we all benefit

Our customers benefit from cleaner, smarter more efficient business – saving money with a partner who’s helping to save our planet.


Our industry will be more united – sharing what we know about more sustainable business to co-create a better world.


Our planet will thrive with a more liveable, more sustainable environment.


Our own people get to feel the pride that comes with knowing they’re part of a positive impact.


And future generations will benefit not only from the wellbeing of the planet, but the practices we put in place today to keep reducing any potential harm.

Net Zero

The target that drives us

We see it as less of a challenge – and more of an opportunity. An approaching number that inspires us to shift how we think, design, build and impact our planet. Every decision we make has zero in mind. Because zero isn’t nothing – it’s everything.

Shift-Zero | Our Plan


Our plan

How we’ll get to zero

Reaching zero doesn’t happen on its own. It takes a scientifically-accurate and holistic approach that draws on research, data, planning and collaboration to reduce carbon emissions. We’ve worked out that plan – so we can make real change in the short and the long term.

What we’re doing

Shift-Zer0 is already in gear. Here’s how we’re already making strides towards zero – and what’s happening next.

Already achieved

Shift-Zero | Our Plan

Underway now

  • Submitted our emission reduction ambition to the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Coming soon

Shift-Zero | Coming Soon
Shift Zero | Planning ahead

Planning ahead


Into the future

Shift-Zero | Into the future
Shift-Zero | Understanding emissions


The science behind sustainability

To find the solution, you’ve got to understand the problem. We’ve been working hard to become more familiar with the types of carbon emissions companies are responsible for – so we know which areas to target as we shift towards zero.

The 3 scopes of carbon emissions

Emissions come from all sorts of practices – but broadly fall into three key areas; Direct Emissions, Indirect Electricity Emissions and Value Chain Emissions.

Scope 01

Direct emissions

Emissions we are directly responsible for and are produced on our properties and assets, such as diesel emissions, refrigerants and natural gas.

Shift-Zero | Direct emissions
Shift-Zero | Indirect emissions

Scope 02

Indirect emissions

Emissions emitted from the electricity we purchase. It’s not emitted on our properties, but indirectly emitted when we buy it.

Scope 03

Value chain emissions

Purchasing goods and services to create and maintain our assets, embodied carbon of our building materials, employee commute, business travel, our customers’ gas and electricity, waste generated from our operations and activity.

Shift-Zero | Value chain emissions
Shift-Zero | Let's shift


We can make more change together

Whether you’re an existing customer, or a supplier with an innovative idea, there are all kinds of opportunities to work together – and shift to zero.

Shift-Zero | Let's Shift | Suppliers


If you’re a professional consultant or business taking action to combat climate change, or you have a carbon-neutral product that we can trial, reach out. Let’s see how we can collaborate.

Let's Talk


Want to take action but don’t know where to start? Let’s help each other out. From pulling together a business case for decarbonisation to procuring renewable energy, shifting to zero doesn’t have to happen solo.

Let's Talk


Shift-Zero | Let's Shift | Customers
Shift-Zero | Let's Shift | Innovators


You might have a tool, system, program or product that can help property companies reduce their environmental impact. If so, we want to know about it – so get in touch.


Let's talk 

Shift-Zero | Our interview with Qantas magazine

Building by Example

Read our interview with
Qantas magazine


Shift-Zero | Read our ESG Report


Read our ESG Report

Regional sector leader

Regional Sector Leader

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